Career Advice

What to do with a degree in Biology:

This website has a large number of resources for mentoring and professional development opportunities

Camai Cassey of CITCI put together a document (Bio_MicroBio info by Camai Cassey 2017) on what biologists do in Alaska, how to prepare for a career in Biology, and wage/outlook information.

Careers for PhDs in Science: State of the Field for Microbiologists blog has a nice summary of where people with PhDs in Microbiology work from ASM.

The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has a great website with career advice and videos, grant writing advice, and links to workshops and funding resources.

How to find biology related jobs:

A list of Ecology and Evolution jobs is maintained on a google sheet that anyone can contribute to.

The EvolDir is a listserve that often lists jobs in Evolution.

EcoLog is a listserve that often lists jobs in ecology.

How to get a PhD in STEM:

PLOS has a nice collection of advice for scientists at varying stages of their career, from undergraduates through PIs.

This toolkit has some great templates for planning your PhD